Arabic is definitely hard to learn and it is also one of those languages which are hard to translate in many ways. But its importance is increasing day by day despite the fact that there is an environment of complexity in the translation of Arabic text. Many businesses have been keeping an eye on Arabic-speaking countries and it is mostly because of economic issues. There are countries in North Africa and Arabian Peninsula where the opportunities for businesses are rich because these countries have many natural resources such as natural gas, oil, and minerals. It becomes cost-effective for various businesses to establish manufacturing factories such as telecommunication companies in countries where Arabic is spoken widely by the local people.
It becomes imperative for the businessmen to know the happenings of Arab countries as they will directly impact the investments of these businessmen. Because of these reasons, there is a need for Arabic translation and a literal translation does not give the true sense of the meaning of the Arabic words. For this, there is a need for expertise and there are various agencies worldwide and LenguaePro is one of them and it is also an Arabic translation agency in Connecticut.
Facts related to the Arabic language
There are around 420 million speakers of the Arabic language worldwide according to the data of World Atlas. Arabic is a Semitic language and there are countries located in the Middle East and North Africa where this particular language, which is 1500 years old, is spoken by the people. The dialects of the standard Arabic language vary according to the countries and it also happens to be among the six most used languages in the United Nations. As far as words in the Arabic language are concerned, it consists of 12.3 million words and their roots are made up of three letters and from these roots, various lexical groups are derived.
The word used for maternal uncle in Arabic is “khak” and there is a different word for the paternal uncle and it is “amm”. There are many letters in the Arabic language that actually do not exist in English and because of this, it becomes problematic to write the Arabic names in the English language. The sounds in Arabic are different and several unique letters are used to represent those sounds in English and even after that, English will not give the same sound which was there originally in the Arabic language. For example, there is a letter in Arabic which is “Kha” (خ) and in this, the translator will have problems in giving the same sound of Arabic in English.
What are the challenges in Arabic translation?
The use of figures of speech in the Arabic language is so much as it happens to be a poetic language and there can be an inclusion of several adjectives in a sentence to understand the meaning of the sentence. But it is completely different in English as it is precise and if the translator tries to translate the Arabic sentences literally into English then definitely the words used in the sentences will look and sound redundant. It’s going to be very challenging for a particular translator to translate the Arabic text into English as Arabic can consist of long sentences but they cannot go in the same manner as in English.
As far as literature is concerned, the sentence structure in Arabic may have variations in many possible arrangements, and many times, subjects or verbs are also omitted or sometimes delayed and because of this, translators may find it difficult to translate such sentences into English. As far as the linguistic nature of Arabic is concerned, it is diglossia which means that the words used in written form are different from the words used in spoken form in Arabic. It is the fact that Arabs understand and use standard Arabic but when it comes to the source file in the Arabic translation, there can be projects for translation which may include colloquial Arabic dialects which will ask for the expertise of the translator and colloquial Arabic dialects.
If you’re looking for a Translation company in Connecticut then LenguaePro is the platform and it gives services in many languages of the world including Arabic.
Ambiguity in Arabic words
Ambiguity can be easily found as far as the lexical resource of the Arabic language is concerned. There are uses of diacritics instead of short vowels and these diacritics are fatha, dammah, and kasra and these are the names in the Arabic language. If the translator is not an expert in the Arabic language, it will become very difficult to understand and convey the real meaning in the English language. In the Arabic language, there are many words that can be pronounced in various ways and the meanings will change accordingly but they are written normally in the same manner.
It will be difficult for the translator to understand the meaning and exactly translate it into the target language. For example, there's a word which is made up of علم and it can be pronounced in three different ways and the first one is “alam” and it means a flag and the second word is “ilm” which means science, and the third way to pronounce the same word would be “allam” which refers to “taught” or “marked” and the meaning will depend according to the context. There can be many words in Arabic which refer to the sentence and if the translator is unaware of all of those words, it will be a problematic thing for him to translate the exact meaning of the Arabic words into the target language. For example, there are almost 100 words just for referring to the camel.
Classical Arabic text and translation
If there are classical Arabic texts while translating, it becomes crucial to be aware of the cultural aspects which will really help in translation. There can be many Arabic words that had different meanings in the past but currently, they are used with different meanings. As far as classical Arabic, which has also been used in the Quran, is concerned, for example, there is a word which has been used and that is “Al haiwan” and it means “good immortal life” but today in the modern Arabic language, the purpose to use this word is only to refer to the animal.
If you’re looking for a platform that can provide you with Professional translation in Connecticut, then LenguaePro is the platform to go ahead with.
Arabic is such a language that has some unique words and to literally translate them will be problematic for translators worldwide. Literal translation can give different meanings and can lead to different contexts in one particular content. There are various platforms available that give translation services in many languages including Arabic. But there is a platform and it is LenguaePro which has professional and experienced translators and it is an Arabic translation agency in Connecticut. If you are looking for translation services, you can surely contact this platform and get the details related to how the translation of your project will be done in the best possible manner. For more Info Please visit on Site -
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